That Solo Life: Co-hosted by Karen Swim, founder of Words for Hire, LLC and owner of Solo PR Pro and Michelle Kane, founder of VoiceMatters, LLC, we keep it real and talk about the topics that affect solo business owners in PR and Marketing and beyond. Learn more about Solo PR Pro: www.SoloPRPro.com

Monday Jul 27, 2020
Episode 59: Stress Break
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
It’s midsummer and we’re living through a pandemic, so on this week’s episode we’re taking a stress break. It’s important – with looming uncertainty about the school year, work, vacation (vacation?) – to take the time to find calm for ourselves and to seek out what makes us laugh. Doing so is restorative and we need to take care of ourselves, perhaps now more than ever.
What is your favorite way to relax? What’s making you laugh right now? We want to know! Visit us at soloprpro.com.

Monday Jul 20, 2020
Episode 58: Should We Change How We Do PR?
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Fundamentally, what we do as communications professionals does not change. What does change is the way we do it. Is it time to change our approach to our work, our methods, and our tactics, given the state of current events? Now is an ideal time to reexamine and find new opportunities in the value we offer our current and prospective clients.
Have you changed how you approach your work in PR? Let us know. Visit us at soloprpro.com.

Monday Jul 13, 2020
Episode 57: Helping Clients Navigate the Now Normal
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Everyone is dealing with a lot these days. A LOT. Work life is different, home life is different. While it seems like this COVID-19 era will go on, we know from past pandemics that this is only temporary. That’s why in this episode we refer to this time in our lives as the “now normal” instead of the “new normal.”
How can we as communicators continue to add value to our clients and our own businesses as we work our way through this? Join us for this conversation.
And, as always, we want to hear from you. How have you been helping your clients navigate the now normal? Visit us at soloprpro.com and let us know.

Monday Jul 06, 2020
Episode 56: We’re Halfway through 2020. Now What?
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
You did it! You’ve made it through the first half of 2020. Sit for a moment. Exhale. Congratulate yourself!
This year has been challenging on so many levels, all at once. In this episode we talk about how to head into the second half of 2020 with hope, determination, and joy.
Tell us your thoughts. We truly do want to hear from you. Visit us at soloprpro.com.

Monday Jun 29, 2020
Episode 55: Conferences in the COVID-19 Era
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Conferences are among the many in-person experiences facing challenges thanks to COVID-19. Conferences can still bring value, even when they cannot take place in person. As with many situations we are dealing with during the COVID-19 pandemic, conference planners have an opportunity to invent new ways for attendees to connect and experience value while avoiding “virtual fatigue.” Listen to this episode of That Solo Life where we discuss this and ways attendees can get the most out of their experiences.
How is your conference schedule and experience changing in light of COVID-19? Tell us at soloprpro.com.

Monday Jun 22, 2020
Episode 54: Boundaries are Beautiful
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Setting proper boundaries is crucial, especially for communications professionals. As solos, we have the freedom to work whenever we like but that does not mean, outside of the requirements of certain projects, that we are on call and available 24/7. We need time to replenish our minds and bodies. We need to make sure we are at our best for our families, friends, our clients, and ourselves. Don’t feel guilty about saying, “No” and for using boundaries to build your best life. After all, isn’t that why we chose to work for ourselves?
We want to hear from you. What are the ways you create healthy boundaries? Tell us at soloprpro.com.

Monday Jun 15, 2020
Episode 53: Real Talk
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
An incredible social justice movement has risen following the devastating murder of George Floyd.
As PR pros, we craft messaging all the time for clients. Our challenge now is to provide the traditional strategic guidance and crisis preparation while also having those hard conversations about what is happening. This may be new territory for some of us, for some of our clients.
This is a moment for PR professionals to build a better future. Let’s step into these challenges and be a part of the history we are making today.
Add to the conversation at soloprpro.com.
Solo PR Pro Blog on Blackout Tuesday

Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Did you know that an estimated $140 billion remains available in the Payroll Protection Program (PPP)? Or that you can apply even if you operate as a sole proprietor? We did not know this, which is why we are glad that Brent Thompson, CPA, CMA, CGMA of Canon Capital Management Group joined us as our guest this week. He helps us wade through the PPP from the perspective of solo practitioners and small business owners.
During this episode, we discussed the parameters of the PPP and the anticipated passing of the "Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020 (PPPFA),” which did become law on June 5, 2020. This new legislation has a significant effect on the forgiveness of the PPP loan, including extending the time to use the funds from an 8-week period to 24 weeks and changing the payroll ratio test from 75/25 to 60/40.
The most time-sensitive item of note is that PPP lenders must have the funding in your bank account by June 30. To allow for enough time for the process, it is recommended to apply by June 10.
Keep up with the latest information about PPP and other elements of the CARES Act by following the Canon Capital Management Group blog.
What has your experience been with the PPP process. Have you applied? Were you approved? Let us know at soloprpro.com.

Monday Jun 01, 2020
Episode 51: Clarity in a COVID-19 World
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Newsroom layoffs, disagreements about wearing masks, concern over how and when to reopen businesses – it continues to be a stressful time.
As professional communicators, how can we make sure our communication is clear, purposeful, and positive, rising above the chatter?
How can we use this time to unleash our creativity and use new ideas to clear through the clutter and reach our clients’ audiences?
Maybe it’s time to revisit the focus of your own business. Do you need to pivot? Or do you feel drawn to a different focus?
Use this time as an opportunity. What do you think? Let us know at soloprpro.com.

Monday May 25, 2020
Episode 50: Work from Home. Forever?
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
As we enter the third month of varying degrees of sheltering in place due to COVID-19, we are checking in with our friends and colleagues who are working from home as a result of this situation.
Inspired by this article from The Atlantic, we wonder how will a long-term work from home policy affect your day-to-day activities? What is the impact on the sectors supported by people working in office complexes? How will it affect work-life for all of us?
It’s a fun and interesting discussion. Let us know what you think at soloprpro.com.