That Solo Life: Co-hosted by Karen Swim, founder of Words for Hire, LLC and owner of Solo PR Pro and Michelle Kane, founder of VoiceMatters, LLC, we keep it real and talk about the topics that affect solo business owners in PR and Marketing and beyond. Learn more about Solo PR Pro: www.SoloPRPro.com

Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Episode 29: Solos at the Holidays - Reflect and Recharge
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
As we close out the year, no, wait, the DECADE, we take a moment to reflect on the past year, talk about ways Solos celebrate the holidays (Oh yes, here is the link to the BBC’s self-employed holiday party video.), and how to reset and recharge for 2020.
Want more Solo PR Pro? Visit us at soloprpro.com or contact us online to share your thoughts.

Monday Dec 16, 2019
Episode 28: Year-end Business Tips
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Hard to believe, but 2019 will soon come to a close. What does that mean for your business as you strive to end the year strong? From bookkeeping to budget projections, strategy to business development, we discuss ways to both close out the year with clarity and prepare for success in 2020.
What items are on your year-end business checklist? Visit us at soloprpro.com or contact us online to share your thoughts.

Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Episode 27: The Riches are in the Niches
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019

Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Episode 26: 'Tis the Season for Client Gifting
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
The holidays are here and, just like Santa, PR Pros are checking their lists and checking them twice. If you purchase client gifts (and know that it is ok if you don’t), listen to this episode where we discuss our favorite ways to show our clients our appreciation at the holidays and throughout the year.
What clever and cool item have you sent your clients at the holidays? We want to know! Visit us at soloprpro.com or contact us online to share your thoughts.

Monday Nov 25, 2019
Episode 25: Gratitude
Monday Nov 25, 2019
Monday Nov 25, 2019
As solo business owners, Karen and Michelle are grateful for a landscape and technology that allows for making a living as Michelle puts it, “with Wi-Fi and a dream.” In this episode of That Solo Life, Karen and Michelle focus on this week of the Thanksgiving holiday with a conversation about gratitude.
What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving of 2019? Visit us at soloprpro.com or contact us online to share your thoughts.

Monday Nov 18, 2019
Episode 24: Tidings of Sanity and Joy - Planning for the 2019 Holidays
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
The holidays bring an extra set of pressures, personally and professionally. How can you experience this holiday season with joy? Listen to this episode, where we discuss managing expectations (Isn’t it always about managing expectations?) and creating a mindset where we maintain our productivity in our business and allow room for the joy of the season.
How do you navigate the holiday season as a solo business owner? Visit us at soloprpro.com or contact us online to share your thoughts.

Monday Nov 11, 2019
Episode 23: What’s New? November 11, 2019 Edition
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 2019
In today’s episode, we cover two new updates in the digital marketing world.
Google’s Zero Click Searches
This Forbes article, Why You Can’t Neglect Your Google Presence Anymore, talks about how so many of us never leave the Search Engine Results Page: “In the first quarter of 2019, nearly 49% of all U.S. Google searches ended without a click. And, over 60% of mobile searches are zero-click searches. People are finding what they need right there on the Search Engine Results Page ( SERP).”
This presents two challenges: make sure your Google presence is built out, so the engaging information is included on the SERP and that you give more consideration to your brand story and long-form content, making it worth the click-through.
Google BERT Algorithm
Google calls this their most important update in five years. What does it mean for us as PR pros and marketers? Content is joined by context as the reigning factors in search results rankings. The context aspect is a nod to an increase in voice search and the use of AI.
As writers and communicators, we are heartened that good writing and clear communication still matters most in our online efforts.
What Do You Think?
We want to hear from you! Visit us at soloprpro.com or contact us online to share your thoughts on these new developments.

Monday Oct 28, 2019
Episode 22: Highlights from the PRSA 2019 International Conference
Monday Oct 28, 2019
Monday Oct 28, 2019
Today’s episode comes to you fresh from the PRSA 2019 International Conference, the annual gathering of public relations and communications professionals from across the globe. This year’s conference took place in San Diego, California, much to the delight of Karen, who will always be a SoCal girl at heart.
Highlights of the three-day conference featured a keynote from Bob Woodward and a powerful session hearing the story of Laura Ling’s North Korean experience firsthand.
Three main takeaways:
METRICS: Measurement continues to dominate. If you haven’t already begun to do this, now is the time to tie metrics to bottom-line results.
CREATIVITY: It still matters. PR pros, we need to make sure we give ourselves space to be creative.
INSPIRATION: People are looking to have their souls fed, to connect with our humanity, with something that matters. As PR professionals, we are indeed doing important work.
Solo PR Pro was well-represented, with member Mary Barber receiving two awards – the Patrick Jackson Award for Distinguished Service to PRSA and the PRSA Chair’s Award for Exceptional Service to the Society. Kristie Aylett programmed a non-profit section for the conference, which featured another Solo, Dan Farkas, who spoke multiple times. (Editor’s Note: Karen Swim is too modest to say that she too spoke at the conference.)
A great way to catch up on all that went on at the PRSA International Conference, search the official hashtag: #prsaicon2019
What is your favorite professional conference? We want to hear from you! Visit us at soloprpro.com or contact us online to share.

Monday Oct 21, 2019
Episode 21: Be a Better PR Pro by Slowing Down (No, Really!)
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Modern life moves fast. It’s a simple fact that you loathe, love, or tolerate. This is especially true for PR pros as we seek to serve our clients well, looking out for them and keeping their projects moving forward while working on our own innovative thinking and professional development.
Part of the cause is an increase of incoming messaging from a variety of sources – text, instant messaging, project management platforms, and the like. We can let the open fire hose of information knock us over or we can choose to take a moment at the start of each day to decide what takes priority, acknowledging the reality of interruption and the likelihood that another item may take precedence throughout the day but starting with a stance of taking each element of the day on its own. And then the next, and the next.
Start with the morning journal exercise of emptying your mind on paper and see where it takes you.
Seeking to “unbusy” our lives does not mean we’re not leaving it all on the floor for our clients. It means we want to work hard with a focused productivity.
What do you think? We want to hear from you! Visit us at soloprpro.com or contact us online to share.

Monday Oct 14, 2019
Episode 20: Where Do You Work?
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
In today’s episode of That Solo Life we ask the question, “Where Do You Work?” Not in what field or for which company but, where do you work? From a home office, a coffee shop, a co-working space, or perhaps you rent your own office space. The beauty of working independently means we have the option to choose the locations where we do our best work.
So, where do you work? We want to hear about your best spaces to get work done. Visit us at soloprpro.com or contact us online to share, even send a photo!
P.S. Here’s the link to Coffitivity, the website providing coffee house-themed ambient noise.