That Solo Life: Co-hosted by Karen Swim, founder of Words for Hire, LLC and owner of Solo PR Pro and Michelle Kane, founder of VoiceMatters, LLC, we keep it real and talk about the topics that affect solo business owners in PR and Marketing and beyond. Learn more about Solo PR Pro: www.SoloPRPro.com

Monday Oct 07, 2019
Episode 19: CA–AB5 -- The California Gig Worker Bill and You
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
In September 2019 the California legislature passed CA-AB5 aka The Gig Worker Bill. In short, according to this recap from the San Francisco Chronicle, AB5:
“...codifies, clarifies and grants exemptions to a 2018 California Supreme Court decision called Dynamex. Both AB5 and Dynamex make it harder for companies to label workers as independent contractors. They use an ‘ABC’ test that says workers are employees if (A) they perform tasks under a company’s control, (B) their work is integral to the company’s business and (C) they do not have independent enterprises in that trade. It takes effect Jan. 1.”(2020)
The intent of this legislation is to protect people working as independent contractors from being taken advantage of. It is based on situations where an independent contractor’s work may match that of an employee but due to their worker status, they are not receiving the same level of pay and benefits as an employee. This is a good thing. The downside, however, is placing limitations on certain classifications of work that causes hardship. For instance, under this new law California-based publications can only allow freelance journalists to write 35 articles for them per year. This is a big hit to a freelance journalist’s income.
According to the MBO Partners State of Independence in America 2019 report, there are “41 million Americans working work as consultants, freelancers, contractors, temporary, or on-call workers.” These workers deserve fair compensation and this legislation serves to right some of those wrongs. We hope that the California legislature – and any other government body seeking to make similar changes – considers that the nature of work itself is changing.
What do you think about this? We’d love to hear from you! Visit us at soloprpro.com or contact us online.

Monday Sep 30, 2019
Episode 18: Moving Past Failure
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Monday Sep 30, 2019
We all hit bumps in the road, no matter what profession we are in. In this episode we discuss ways to handle disappointments in our businesses and how we can learn from them and gain a fresh, motivating perspective.
We’d love to hear from you! Share your tips - visit us at soloprpro.com or contact us online.

Monday Sep 23, 2019
Episode 17: A Little Pop Culture
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Like many of you who work hard in your professions, sometimes PR pros need a little levity. We need brain candy like Real Housewives, Property Brothers, or catching up on the latest chatter about the Royal Family. Sometimes, these pop culture moments dovetail with our work.
Listen to this episode to find out what helps us stay in the know about pop culture and how it relates to the PR world.
We’d love to hear from you! Visit us at soloprpro.com or contact us online.

Monday Sep 16, 2019
Episode 16: Recruit and Retain Quality Clients Quickly with Craig Severinsen
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Monday Sep 16, 2019
In this episode, we are joined by longtime friend of Solo PR Pro, Craig Severinsen, founder of BrightWorksPR. Craig’s specialty is helping Marketing and PR entrepreneurs attract more clients for their business, which is right up our alley here at Solo PR Pro!
Craig Severinsen’s specialty is helping entrepreneurs, especially those of us in the PR and marketing worlds, create systems to grow business, determining where is the best place to position yourself to be impactful and profitable. Within the past year, he pivoted his business to focus on helping people hone their pricing, implement a simple marketing strategy and close sales. His 90 Day Land More Clients Intensive business accelerator helps participants land more clients quickly using organic social media -- primarily Facebook and LinkedIn – with some making $30,000-100,000 within the first three months alone.
The key?
A Value-Centered Approach
Base your sales process around a strategic consultation via phone. During that conversation follow these three steps:
- Find out what is their goal.
- Find out why they haven’t reached that goal.
- Present your services as the way to get from where they are to what they want.
It’s an approach that is simple and value centered. It also allows you to determine whether this client is a good fit and, even if they’re not, you’ve still provided value in that moment.
“Having a process like this in place is essential,” adds Severinsen, “because job security as an entrepreneur is a mixture of retention and bringing on new clients.”
Follow Craig Severinsen’s Facebook page for more tips and strategies for growing your agency, and also for updates and deals on his programs. You may also want to check out his Free Facebook Group for more in-depth discussion and training on growing your Marketing Business.

Monday Sep 09, 2019
Episode 15: LeadHERship Development with Dr. Lori Baker-Schena
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Today, we’re joined by Dr. Lori Baker-Schena, co-founder of LeadHERship Consortium. She is a leadership consultant and professional speaker who works with individuals and businesses to achieve high levels of excellence, productivity and profitability. Dr. Baker-Schena brings to her clients 35 years as a healthcare public relations and marketing consultant, and 25 years as a tenured university professor teaching public relations and journalism. Dr. Baker-Schena holds a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and a MBA from California State University, Northridge, and a doctorate in Organizational Leadership from the University of La Verne.
A dear friend to Solo PR Pro, Dr. Baker-Schena’s turn toward working as a leadership consultant and professional speaker came about six years ago when she moved out of her comfort zone as a tenured professor at California State University, Northridge to properly pursue her dream of becoming a motivational speaker.
Noting a lack of leadership training specific to women, she and colleague Sabine Liedel co-founded LeadHERship Consortium in the summer of 2018. “A company devoted to helping women become successful leaders, focusing on solution-driven strategies that combine joy, empowerment and hard work,” LeadHERship Consortium offers in-house training, keynote presentations and events on the key areas women must face to grow as leaders:
- Stop beating yourself up with negative self-talk.
- Own your talents and strengths and trust that everything else will fall into place.
- Having support and mentorship of other women is key.
- Know your value and learn how to communicate it in a way that people hear you.
- Replace work-life balance with work-life flexibility.
- Live in the solution, not the problem.
Learn more about the LeadHERship Consortium, including upcoming events like the LeadHERship Conference taking place February 26-27, 2020 in Lakeview, California by visiting www.LeadHERshipconsortium.com and www.LeadHERshipconference.com.
Want to know even more? Visit us at soloprpro.com to read the recap blog or contact us online to share your experiences as a woman in leadership.

Monday Sep 02, 2019
Episode 14: Guilty Pleasures
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
In this Labor Day episode, we decided to focus on what we like to do when we’re not working. We all need time to decompress and recharge if we’re going to stay at the top of our game. Sometimes that means a walk in the park, other times it’s parking ourselves on the couch for some binge watching.
What helps you recharge? We want to know. Visit us at soloprpro.com or contact us online.

Monday Aug 26, 2019
Episode 13: Fighting Imposter Syndrome When You Get What You Want
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
This episode of That Solo Life grew from a conversation in the Solo PR Pro members only Facebook group surrounding what happens when we get what we want, when the professional goal or “get” we’ve dreamed of happens, and we find ourselves fighting feelings of fear or imposter syndrome. Of course, we really DO want the success that we work so hard to achieve. Join us for this conversation about this thought pattern and how we can stay a step ahead of it in our work.
We’d love to hear your experiences. Visit us at soloprpro.com or contact us online.

Monday Aug 19, 2019
Episode 12: Professional Politics (No, Not Those Politics)
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
In this episode of That Solo Life we discuss one of the aspects of work-life we might think we leave behind when going solo: office politics. People are complex and all business is based on relationship so However, as savvy PR pros, we have the advantage of our communications tactics to put into use in these situations.
Ideally, we try to steer clear of whatever might be causing static within your client organization. When that’s not possible, pull out the good old artful redirect when in conversation.
Overall, the goal in any client relationship is moving the work forward in a way that is beneficial to them, and to you.
How do you deal with the internal dynamics of a client when the office politics begin to affect your projects? We’d love to hear your experiences. Visit us at soloprpro.com or contact us online.

Monday Aug 12, 2019
Episode 11: Taking Your Solo PR Pro Show on the Road with Daria Steigman
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Solo PR Pro life provides flexibility in our daily routines, but it’s often not until life hits hard that we truly appreciate being our own bosses. In today’s episode our guest is Solo PR Pro member Daria Steigman, founder of Steigman Communications. She shares how she took her show on the road earlier this year as a means of processing and recalibrating following the loss of her parents within a short span of time. We discuss how you can prepare for when crisis hits, how to maximize your productivity while traveling, and why it’s important to have a change of scene now and again.
Daria Steigman is an entrepreneur, business owner, and writer. Daria is also a senior marketing communications and digital strategist who helps organizations communicate effectively with employees, members, customers, the business community, policymakers, and other key stakeholders. She is a leader and team-builder with a 20+-year record of crafting data-driven strategies to support core business goals. Daria’s diverse clients have included Fortune 500 companies, universities, associations, government agencies, and international organizations.
She is a frequent speaker on topics related to both business strategy and marketing communications and digital media. She is also the author of a blog that focuses on the business of running a business, entrepreneurship, marketing communications, social business, social media, strategic thinking, and what she calls Independent Thinking.
She’s been a contributor to Workshifting.com and to Overdrive, the blog of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization. She also created and wrote a monthly business column for IABC’s CW Bulletin. She holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago, and masters’ degrees in industrial and labor relations (MILR) from Cornell University and liberal studies (MALS) from Georgetown University. She wrote a book of poems as part of her MALS thesis.
In her spare time, she loves to hike and run half-marathons. And she’s a huge baseball fan.

Monday Aug 05, 2019
Episode 10: PR and Tech - 2019 Trends
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Monday Aug 05, 2019
There’s no doubt that technology continues to have an impact on the PR industry. So much so that the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism issues an annual Global Communications Report based on survey results from PR professionals and students and, new this year, CEOs of small, mid-size, and large organizations. In this episode of That Solo Life, we discuss their findings and what they mean for our industry and the way we do our work. Look for more takeaways from this report on the Solo PR Pro blog.