That Solo Life: Co-hosted by Karen Swim, founder of Words for Hire, LLC and owner of Solo PR Pro and Michelle Kane, founder of VoiceMatters, LLC, we keep it real and talk about the topics that affect solo business owners in PR and Marketing and beyond. Learn more about Solo PR Pro: www.SoloPRPro.com

Monday Nov 23, 2020
Episode 75: Dear 2020, We Are Over You
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Nothing is normal right now. And that is okay.
The spread of COVID-19 pandemic continues to escalate, which we take very seriously. At the same time, outside of taking precautions for our personal safety and for the safety of those around us, we have no control over what will take place in the coming weeks and months.
What we can control is how we respond to our circumstances. Take it moment by moment. If you’re not working up to your usual 110%, that is okay! If you’re feeling out of sorts, you’re not alone. This pandemic is taking its toll in many ways.
In this episode, we share ways that we are coping, working to keep life light and as productive as possible. Oh, and 2020? We are so over you.
Share your experience with us at soloprpro.com.